From 2021 Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii, series Mathematics only accepts quality survey papers (of length at least 20 pages) in selected areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science. Manuscripts of survey papers must be written in English. The submission is made electronically; just send e-mail with a PDF file in the attachment to the address of Editorial Office.
Submitted articles should be written in LaTeX. It will be helpful
(for all, the author, reviewer and the Executive Editor) if the
submitted article is written in LaTeX-2ε, using
document class with class option
The authors are obliged to suggest their preferred Responsible Editor from the Editorial Board. The submitted article goes to the selected Responsible Editor for an Entry Consideration. This should take at most 14 days. Then the author will be informed by the Responsible Editor whether the submitted article is rejected or selected for the refereeing process.
No issue of the journal Acta Univ. M. Belii Ser. Math. will be published during the publishing pause, neither submissions will be processed. Please do not submit any article while the publishing process is paused.
- The article is accepted without change;
- The article is accepted subject to minor changes;
- The article needs major revision and referreing process must be passed again;
- The article is rejected.
When the article is accepted for refereeing process, it is locked in Acta UMB Math. The author should not re-submit the article in other journal or publish the (full) submitted form prematurely without explicit agreement of Acta UMB Math. Such an act will lead to immediate rejection of the paper, if observed.
document class, including all resources (such as figures, graphs) in
suitable form. (The good sign of this suitable form for the author
is if the article can be processed by pdfLaTeX without any errors.)
Full source code and other resources must be sent by email to the
address of Editorial
Compressed files can be attached into e-mails (it is safer); use ZIP or RAR, please. The final form of an article should be published in Online edition within 14 days from the day of obtaining the complete final form. Please consult details of publication with the Executive Editor.
. We recommend using pdfLaTeX for compilation.
Here is the downloadable form of class files, including template and example files: aumbart.zip.
The distribution archive is self-contained; please look at
file for installation instructions. The file
contains notes how to write a paper using the class. You may use
as a good starting point for writing your paper. Please, rename the
file before using it.
- Use actual version of aumbart class file;
- Do not make any changes to aumbart.cls;
- Do not change any size parameters, i.e. do not use \setlength command, package geometry or any of this kind;
- Do not use vertical spaces, such as \bigskip,\medskip,\vskip, etc.
- Do not redefine environments such as definition, theorem, proof and others, predefined by class;
- Do not redefine the predefined counters;
- Do not create lists by hand - use itemize and enumerate instead, or in display math gather, aligned, or similar;
- Minimise using of packages other from implicitly included by the class; if really needed, use packages distributed in standard TeX distributions;
- If needed, use \newcommand to define you own macro, avoid using TeX primitives like \def;
- Follow the style of bibliography in aumbart-template.tex. (Our own bibtex style will be available in the future.)